Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"

Barry Goldwater

Friday, November 26, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Now the Eagle: An On-Line Satirical Thriller

Now the Eagle: Obama – Bring Me the Head of Juan Williams - 11:34...: "Obama – Bring Me the Head of Juan Williams - 11:34 A.M. Tuesday October 19th 2010 “Yes, George, yes, George, yes, okay, I agree something ne..."

A Dr's opinion of Obama Care

Friday, October 22, 2010

GOP Ready to Probe NPR’s Federal Funding - HUMAN EVENTS

It's time (past time!) to remove public funding from this ultra liberal radio station. Wake up America! All Government supported/funded organizations, (media, universities, financial, etc.) are crawling with people who share NPR's CEO Vivian Schiller's dictatorial views. Your freedoms, as enumerated in the Constitution, are being stolen by a group of radical liberals (aka Progressives)who have co-opted the Democratic Party. Vote these Progressives out of office on Nov 2nd, 2010! It may be our last chance to save the Republic.

GOP Ready to Probe NPR’s Federal Funding - HUMAN EVENTS

Tea Party thoughts part 1

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Morning meditation blossoms into new song

I've always wanted to compose a song. A couple days ago during my morning meditations I was reading a Bible verse which began with: "This is what they sang: "Come, everyone, and clap your hands for joy! Shout to God with joyful praise!" I spontaneously started to sing the words to whatever notes popped into my head. About the third time through I thought, "hey, this is not a bad tune; I should scribble it down." Within an hour or so I had the melody roughed out -- in my mind that was the hard part; now all I need to do is build some harmony and compose more words. Morning meditations have enormously affected my life in a positive way! Thank You God!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

White Lies -- the MSM's portrayal of...

White Lies

A Non-Prediction - HUMAN EVENTS

A Non-Prediction - HUMAN EVENTS
by Thomas Sowell

"...What would probably get the economy recovering fastest and most completely would be for the President of the United States and Congressional leaders to shut up and stop meddling with the economy. But it is virtually impossible that they will do that..."

"...It is not just free market economists who think the government can make a mess bigger with its interventions. It was none other than Karl Marx who wrote to his colleague Engels that "crackbrained meddling by the authorities" can "aggravate an existing crisis..."

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Declaration Entertainment

A new way to make movies -- the way they used to be made, with a twist.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"More Guns Means Less Crime"

"In the new third edition of More Guns, Less Crime, available from the University of Chicago Press, economist John R. Lott, Jr., easily dispels any lingering doubt that allowing citizens to carry concealed handguns is strongly associated with -- if not a direct cause of -- lowering the rates of violent crime."

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Procrastinator Extraordinaire!

I need to return to one of the original reasons I started this Blog -- it was a 21st century method of putting my thoughts down on paper (electronic paper). It seemed to give them the essence of something tangible --something I could study. And, it kept me focused.

When I write down projects and tasks on an actual "To Do List" it makes a BIG difference whether or not things get accomplished. Conversely, when a "To Do List" exists only in my mind, days, and even weeks, could often pass without results. My wife would say the "real" time frame was much longer -- months and years, perhaps even decades, would pass before a task was completely finished. She's right. I am a procrastinator extraordinaire! Imagine -- Decades passing without closure! But wait? That may be my problem!

Some folks do not think procrastination is a Virtue (my wife for one). I obviously do -- or did, or do. I know, I know; I can hear some of you thinking: "that poor woman." Actually, I'm kidding -- a little. But, my dad taught me if something was worth doing it was worth doing right. I was naturally good at Procrastinating, so it made perfect sense to raise it to an art form.

This is GREAT!. I think I've gotten to the root of a life long problem. Procrastination is NOT a Virtue; it's a Vice! Now, how do I change my habit of Procrastinating to something positive? First, what's the antitheses of Procrastination? I don't know, and I am getting a little sleepy.

I'll tackle Procrastination Tomorrow -- along with focus.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

"I Will Rise" Chris Tomlin

"the grave is overwhelmed!"