Friday, June 24, 2011

Milton Friedman PBS Free to Choose 1980 Vol 1 of 10 Power of the Market

Milton Friedman PBS Free to Choose 1980 Vol 1 of 10 Power of the Market

The 4 Ways to Spend Money by Milton Friedman (HD)

The Resurrection of my Amazon Association from 1997

My Original Home Page on AOL in 1997 contained many Book Reviews with Links to Now I can include links in Blogger. Let's start with a Milton Friedman book that talks about what is happening to our economy right now!: Money Mischief. Search for money mischief by milton friedman

Thursday, June 02, 2011

We Should Stop Persecuting Fornicators

We Should Stop Persecuting Fornicators
"The media has been all over Arnold Schwarzenegger for his extramarital affairs, much like the outcry over Tiger Woods and Bill Clinton’s affairs. Other sexual lifestyles such as homosexuality, bi-sexuality and the transgendered are widely accepted and even praised. Why is there this double standard? Maybe some people are born fornicators. Find out more in this episode of Vantage Point."