Saturday, February 19, 2005

Voice, Audience, and Content

I woke this AM wondering who the audience of "Tyhof..." is; Who's talking, and why?

Last night I went to a Recovery meeting and have already noticed a change in my outlook on life. The process of putting a few thoughts down on electronic paper (while rejecting many others) has, in fact, clarified some things for me.

  • I've been spending too much time thinking about me.
  • I have been spending way too much time in the house watching the News.
  • My life since retirement is a hap hazard happening - no plan at all.
  • I overdo everything and am on the verge of doing it again by over organizing my life, so slow down.
Bob A, my sponsor was at the meeting last night. He was saying how busy it is at work, and that, to make things worse, he had to take 3 hours out of his day yesterday for Continuing Education. Bob's an attorney and it's an annual requirement. He said the most interesting piece of information he gleaned from the experience was a "Yogiism" I had not heard.

Yogi Berra said: "Always go to other people's funerals otherwise they won't go to yours"

I laughed till I couldn't see for the tears. At age 58 it sums up one reason I should get out of the house, but it also reminded me I need to get out of the house because it's good for me. Remember what Yogi said: "You can observe a lot by watching"

It's 2° F five blocks from the western shore of Lake Superior, and I feel great!

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