Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve 2005

"Twas the night before Christmas..."

...Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night."

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Life on the edge of the present - not as scary as it seems.

Sometimes a view from above is what we need to move forward in spite of doubts and fears.
"God, Grant me the Serenity to Accept the Things I Cannot Change, Courage to Change the Things I Can, and the Wisdom to Know the Difference."
High above Lake Superior on Palisade Head - part of Tettegouche State Park - 60 miles north of Duluth, MN. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Afternoon getaway

Jay Cooke State Park - east entrance at Thomson Dam. Posted by Picasa
St Louis River below the swinging bridge - Jay Cooke State Park, Carlton, MN.

railblazers: this park is a must!
Park trails link up to the Willard Munger State Trail at the north edge of the park; perfect for backpackers, bikers (both mountain and tour), hikers, horseback riders, and skiers. Check out the wildflowers in the spring, and the vivid colors in the fall. Walk on the swinging suspension bridge high above the raging St. Louis River. Visit the historic cemetery and the gorge at Thomson Dam."Posted by Picasa

Mama C at Overlook On St. Louis River

This didn't work out the way I thought is would. Anyway, we spent the afternoon at Jay Cooke State Park. Recent rains had the river running pretty good. The display at the Ranger Station says 24 Million gallons of water flow by daily. Posted by Picasa
Dædo at Oldenburg Point River Overlook Posted by Picasa

Relaxing 220 steps below the overlook. We didn't have a tripod for the camera, and it was really hard to find a level spot to set it up. But then the "real" challenge began. How to trip the shutter delay and get to the spot next to Mama C in less than 10 seconds -- without breaking any bones.Posted by Picasa
Oldenburg Point Picnic Area Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Up from St Paul to clean a SHT Campsite

Daughter Tracy, husband Derek, their daughters Autumn (foreground) and Maiya in chestpack, dogs Meap & Kera. - Superior Hiking Trail campsite maintainers.

"The Superior Hiking Trail is a 205-mile long distance footpath that follows the rocky ridgeline above Lake Superior in northeastern Minnesota. It begins just north of Two Harbors, MN, and ends just before the Canadian border. The trail has 30 trailheads and 81 backcountry campsites making it ideal for both day hikes and backpacking. There are no fees, reservations or permits required to hike or backpack on the trail. Click on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for more information about camping." Posted by Picasa

Fall Clean-up of Crow Valley Campsite  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Perennials make gardening easy.

Joe Pye Weed, Black-eyed Susans, and Sedum did great this year. The Monarch butterflies like them too.

The Bee Balm was great earlier but a 2 month drought allowed the powdery mildew to get hold and they never recovered.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Sphinx moth stopped with digital camera shot

These look pretty prehistoric stopped by the digital flash but resemble humming birds in flight. Both are daily visitors to our deck.

What happened to summer?

I recently received an email from someone who had seen my Blog. They were wondering why I quit Blogging. I'm doing some reflecting about that issue.

This has been the summer that wasn't for some reason - nothing earthshaking - just a bunch of small issues.

I did manage to get the garden in this year, but the canoe never got wet, and Mama C and I have done no overnight camping. We managed to fit in some hikes.

Anyway, while I ponder (the summer that never was) I thought I would post a picture, or two, of a humming bird that visited our petunias last night.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Thoughts of Spring. I can almost smell the apple blossoms. Posted by Hello

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Voice, Audience, and Content

I woke this AM wondering who the audience of "Tyhof..." is; Who's talking, and why?

Last night I went to a Recovery meeting and have already noticed a change in my outlook on life. The process of putting a few thoughts down on electronic paper (while rejecting many others) has, in fact, clarified some things for me.

  • I've been spending too much time thinking about me.
  • I have been spending way too much time in the house watching the News.
  • My life since retirement is a hap hazard happening - no plan at all.
  • I overdo everything and am on the verge of doing it again by over organizing my life, so slow down.
Bob A, my sponsor was at the meeting last night. He was saying how busy it is at work, and that, to make things worse, he had to take 3 hours out of his day yesterday for Continuing Education. Bob's an attorney and it's an annual requirement. He said the most interesting piece of information he gleaned from the experience was a "Yogiism" I had not heard.

Yogi Berra said: "Always go to other people's funerals otherwise they won't go to yours"

I laughed till I couldn't see for the tears. At age 58 it sums up one reason I should get out of the house, but it also reminded me I need to get out of the house because it's good for me. Remember what Yogi said: "You can observe a lot by watching"

It's 2° F five blocks from the western shore of Lake Superior, and I feel great!

Friday, February 18, 2005

Deep in thought at Bear Head Lake

Mama C at Bear Head State Park near Ely, MN. We managed to get there twice in August 04 for a little tenting, hiking, canoeing, and immersing ourselves in the sylvan solitude.
"...paths to yet wilder scenes of silvan solitude. Here the red rays of the sun shot a broken and discoloured light that partially hung upon the shattered boughs and mossy trunks of the trees, and there they illuminated in brilliant patches the portions of turf to which they made their way." Ivanhoe Posted by Hello

The Homestead in Duluth, MN

Snow Collage1 Posted by Hello

January snow Posted by Hello

A little more snow than usual Posted by Hello

Another sunny but cold day at 46° 50' N Latitude

It's -3° F outside, a little warmer in the house. Lake Superior still has a lot of open water out there. It keeps it a little warmer by the Lake. That was not the case last year at this time. Here is a link to a description of some of the main characteristics of Lake Superior - plus a satelite photo of the 5 Great Lakes.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Tettegouche State Park

First Digital picture - Oct 03. This is the entrance to Tettegouche State Park located on Lake Superior's beautiful North Shore about 60 miles north of Duluth, MN. The sights, sounds, and smells were unbelievable! Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. The others are Spring, Summer, and Winter.

ome to Tettegouche for a great sense of the North Shore:
the spectacular overlooks at Shovel Point; rocky, steep cliffs and inland bluffs; the cascading 60 ft. High Falls of the Baptism River; and the historic Tettegouche Camp where visitors can stay the night. This is a hiker's paradise with miles of trails that overlook the Sawtooth Mountains and wind down to inland lakes accessible only by foot. The Palisade Valley Unit features broad scenic vistas coupled with an expanse of multi-use, four-season trails. Two more trout lakes complement the fishing opportunities within the rest of the park. The park is also known for rock climbing opportunities and quality birdwatching in the spring, summer, and especially the fall."
Posted by Hello

One more experiment today.

I can see how I could while away my retirement Blogging for family and friends. Actually, I'm just playing with the text. For those who do not know me I'm Dædo, the TrailBlazer is Weah, and the canoe is called Bear. My wife (Mama C) and I spent much of last summer exploring a number of Minnesota's 72 State Parks with Weah and Bear.

Savannah Portage State Park

Dædo, Weah, and Bear at Savannah Portage State Park. It has over 15,000 acres of rolling hills, lakes, and bogs and 22 miles of hiking trails. "If you stand in the right place in the park, water on one side of you will flow to the Gulf of Mexico via the Mississippi River; water on the other side flows to the Atlantic Ocean via Lake Superior and the St. Lawrence Seaway." Posted by Hello

Picture almost worked

Who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks!

User Friendly

I'm pretty amazed. This really is user friendly. I was able to find my blog with no problem. Now, how do I find everyone else.

It's currently 2° F here on the Western Terminus of the Saint Lawrence Seaway - Duluth, MN.

Lost on the Net

Well, at 58 I tenatively join the bloggers.

The tutorial said this can be a "learn as I go" experience. We'll see. I have a sign in name, a password, a name for my (Blog?), and a web address which I forgot to write down.

So my first thought is: I wonder if I'll ever get back to wherever I was.

Hey, that sounds like the lyrics for a song. e.g. Bob Seger: "Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then." or in my case, Wish I knew now what I knew then!

Anyway, this may be my first and last post.

Dave G

Wednesday, February 16, 2005