Last night I went to a Recovery meeting and have already noticed a change in my outlook on life. The process of putting a few thoughts down on electronic paper (while rejecting many others) has, in fact, clarified some things for me.
- I've been spending too much time thinking about me.
- I have been spending way too much time in the house watching the News.
- My life since retirement is a hap hazard happening - no plan at all.
- I overdo everything and am on the verge of doing it again by over organizing my life, so slow down.
Yogi Berra said: "Always go to other people's funerals otherwise they won't go to yours"
I laughed till I couldn't see for the tears. At age 58 it sums up one reason I should get out of the house, but it also reminded me I need to get out of the house because it's good for me. Remember what Yogi said: "You can observe a lot by watching"
It's 2° F five blocks from the western shore of Lake Superior, and I feel great!
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