Monday, July 25, 2011

Raise Revenues While Shrinking Government

Raise Revenues While Shrinking Government

"Americans for Tax Reform points out that the federal government owns 650 million acres of land, which is about one-third the area of the United States. The Bureau of Land Management says that 3.3 million acres are suitable for sale to the private sector. Sell them off!" 

"Reducing the sway that federal bureaucrats at the Department of Interior have over federal land and putting the acreage to good use creating jobs is just the kind of free-market solution that Republicans love — and it brings in revenue."

"And we should increase our revenues from oil-and-gas leases for offshore drilling up and down the East and West coasts. To lessen our dependence on foreign oil and to increase domestic production and self-reliance, we should speed the leasing process and use the increased revenues to plug some of the deficit."

The Federal government has plenty of money; they've just chosen to misuse the money funding 1000's and 1000's of programs they have no business running, or can no longer afford! Turn them over to the States or "close them down." For instance, can we really afford this one: Here's an index of some other areas to "cut spending."

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